Open for business…

Following the recent announcement by the Prime Minister relaxing the Coronavirus lockdown rules, we have decided to reopen the rental department at our Teddington branch from Wednesday 13th May. We have already put in place measures to keep both our staff and customers safe and will continue to follow the government’s advice and guidance on hygiene and social distancing. If you want to learn more about the steps we have taken or the services we can offer please check-out the FAQ’s below or contact us on +44 (0) 208 614 8500 / Email:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQ’s

Are you open for business ?

Yes, you can contact our customer service team by calling us on +44 (0) 208 614 8500 or Email Our warehouse, delivery, prep technicians and hire desk continue to operate while taking precautions to minimise the risk of transmission of Covid-19 for our staff and customers.  

What precautions are you taking to prevent the spread of Covid-19?

Various company-wide measures have been put in place to prevent the spread of infection in line with the government’s guidance. Kits are thoroughly cleaned during prep; this includes antibacterial and virus cleaning. All prep & warehouse staff wear latex gloves and face masks where appropriate. Similarly, we are thoroughly cleaning all equipment returning from clients after being quarantined using antibacterial wipes, surface cleansers, disinfectant and antibacterial gel on hand contact.  

How do I receive my kit ?

Our delivery drivers will contact you to arrange a safe hand-over location and time that complies with social distancing rules. To collect the kit from our premises please call beforehand so we can schedule a suitable pickup time. When you arrive please observe the two-metre social distancing rule. Be assured thorough cleaning takes place of all kit on check in, preparation, testing and despatch using antibacterial wipes, gloves, disinfectant on kit room surfaces.  

What social distancing measures have you put in place ?

We are operating with lower staff numbers to ensure we can maintain adequate social distance. Staff working times have been staggering to minimise risk of people coming into close proximity to each other. Every worker has their own work station that is never shared with other members of staff. Tea and lunch breaks have also been staggered to minimise staff numbers in communal areas. Regular cleaning of high contact areas with anti-bacterial wipes takes place throughout the day including the kit room, office and all shared work surfaces. Staff observe regular hand washing and cleanliness procedures.