
  1. VENICE 2 simulator, Anton Bauer & Hawk-Woods B-mount

    news of the week ep291

    This week we are featuring Sony's release of a menu simulator for their flagship VENICE 2 camera, Anton Bauer's range of B-Mount batteries and accessories for the ARRI ALEXA 35 plus Hawk-Woods new range of B-Mount batteries.

  2. New Batteries and Power Accessories for the Sony FS7 From Hawk-Woods

    The VL-FS7 is a direct V-Lok fitting for Sony's FS7 camera allowing the user to use high powered V-Lok batteries rather than BPU batteries which are the standard battery for the FS7 camera. The adaptor attaches via the lock in mechanism in the FS7's battery compartment and then finally screwed to the top of the camera body to secure in place.

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