AJA Cion

  1. 10 Helpful Hints To Get You Started Shooting with the AJA CION

    The team at AJA recently released their some really helpful tips on how to get started wth their brand new camera – the 4K capable AJA Cion. The camera was announced at last year's NAB, and started shipping at year end. AJA have put in a great deal of hard work into the camera and it shows – the beautiful ergonomic design is matched by a powerhouse of internal features ranging from 4K to 2K and HD acquisition in broadcast popular Apple ProRes format.
  2. 10 Helpful Hints To Get You Started Shooting with the AJA CION

    The team at AJA recently released their some really helpful tips on how to get started wth their brand new camera – the 4K capable AJA Cion. The camera was announced at last year's NAB, and started shipping at year end. AJA have put in a great deal of hard work into the camera and it shows – the beautiful ergonomic design is matched by a powerhouse of internal features ranging from 4K to 2K and HD acquisition in broadcast popular Apple ProRes format.
  3. AJA Releases First Firmware Update for the CION Camera

    The AJA CION was announced at last years NAB trade show in Las Vegas and easily became of the hottest new products at the show. Many attendees and industry folk were surprised to see AJA bringing out their first camera, sort of following the foot steps of competitor Blackmagic Design, who did the same a few years back with their first camera. The 4K CION is a fully capable production camera sporting a Super 35 4K sensor, internal 4K recording in various ProRes flavours, slow motion capabilities, as well as an option for 4K Raw via 3G-SDI out to an external recorder.
  4. The AJA CION 4K/UltraHD/2K/HD Camera is Shipping Globally

    After months of hard work by the engineering team at AJA doing their best to get the camera finalised and ready for production, the wait is finally over as AJA recently announced that the camera is ready and is now shipping globally.

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