Visual Impact Blog

  1. Sachtler/Vinten Flowtech 100, Fuji XT-3, Cooke Full-Frame Anamorphics

    flowtech100-Fuji Mirrorless- Cooke Anamorphics

    This week we are featuring the world's fastest tripod - Sachtler/Vinten Flowtech 100, Fujifilm's new XT3 mirrorless camera plus a new 50mm full-frame Anamorphic lens from Cooke Optics that will be introduced at IBC 2018.

  2. DJI Mavic 2 Series

    Mavic 2

    Drones have come a long way since they were introduced, but they have always had shortcomings. This new Mavic 2 series from DJI seeks to address some of these issues. You have a choice of two different models...

  3. Sony TOUGH SD Cards, ARRI LMB 6x6, O'Connor AC Bag

    Sony-Tough-Arri Matte Box OConnor CA bag

    This week we are featuring Sony's new SF-G Series TOUGH SD cards that will be available in capacities up to 128GB, the O’Connor Camera Assistant Bag that has been designed out of quality long-lasting materials and new a lightweight LMB 6x6 matte box from Arri designed for maximum modularity at a minimum weight.

  4. ARRI WVS Software Update Package (SUP) 4.3.26

    ARRI WVS SUP 4.3.26

    For all you ARRI users out there here is their latest software update for the Wireless Video System (WVS). The WVS Software Update Package (SUP) 4.3.26 is now shipping with all ARRI Wireless Video System components: integrated HD video transmitters inside ALEXA LF and...

  5. ARRI Alexa LF SUP 3.0, Blackmagic Pocket 4K Footage, Atomos Ninja V N-Log


    This week we are featuring the first official footage from Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4K, ARRI's latest firmware update, SUP 3.0 for their Alexa LF Camera and new announcement from Atomos that the Ninja V and Inferno are now supporting 4K 10bit N-Log via HDMI ...

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