Panasonic is set to revolutionize the world of high-end digital cinema acquisition once again by introducing a brand new Varicam cinema camera in early February. We just received word from Panasonic of their new camera launch event on 11th February, which is set to unveil to the world the latest addition to the already awesome Varicam 35 and HS line-up. new varicam No specifics are known at this stage beyond the launch date, but from the photo above, you can see a more compact Varicam (with a Varicam badge); the top handle looks to be very similar if not identical to the current handle on the Varicam 35. If I had to guess, I'd expect to see a more portable, compact version of the 4K Varicam 35, which currently features a phenomenal Super 35 CMOS Sensor capable of 4K/2K and Slow-Motion recording, dual-proxy recording in 4K and 2K/HD, as well as a rather unique Dual-Native ISO (800/5000) feature currently not present on any other camera in its class. Panasonic-VariCam-35-4K Over here at Visual Impact we're big fans of the Varicam 35, having supplied cameras to our sister rental company 24/7 Drama, who have supplied Varicams for top UK TV Dramas such as BBC's Doctor Foster, the trailer for which you can see below: Varicam 35 Highlights and Features
  • High Dynamic Range (HDR) Ready
  • Super35 4096 X 2160 Advanced CMOS Sensor
  • Native ISOs of 800 and 5000
  • 14+ Stops of Latitude
  • Variable Frame Rate — 1 to 120 fps in 4K
  • Dual Recorder
  • Records simultaneous 4K/ 2K/Proxy, or UHD/HD/Proxy + Raw to Codex (option)
  • Apple ProRes 4:4:4:4 and ProRes HQ Built-in
  • AVC-Intra Codecs — Class 100 / Class 200 / Class 4:4:4
  • 2-piece Modular Design (docks to AU-VREC1G recording module)
  • Codex V-Raw Recorder now available for uncompressed full-frame RAW recording at 120fps
Based on the powerhouse of a camera system that is the current Varicam line-up we expect the new Varicam to be even more impressive. For all your Varicam 35/HS needs get in touch with our Sales team at 0208 977 1222 to place your order.