With the imminent arrival of the much anticipated Canon C300 Mark II the need for extra batteries solutions and accessories grows exponentially. IDX have just announced a V-mount battery plate which is designed specifically for the new 4K Cano EOS camera. It is equipped with a genuine Lemo connector for a direct connection to the camera and offers (2) D-Tap outputs, capable of handling 50W each, for powering ancillary gear (monitors, lights, recorders, and others). IDX’s signature V-Plate design offers flexible mounting with 3 industry standard screw-hole patterns to adapt to virtually any cheese plate or camera support rod mounting accessory. AT-E2CMKII-PR-Banner2-1024x513 “We are happy to expand our V-Mount accessory line with the AT-E2CMKII Canon C300 Mark II adaptor plate,” said Tomo Nishikawa, General Manager, IDX System Technology. “Canon continues to deliver great cameras and we are honored to continually build our relationship with them by delivering great power solutions for their cameras.” Nishikawa adds, “We understand that the C300 Mark II comes with an on-board battery, which is perfect for run and gun/handheld shoots; however, when it comes to shooting composed shots that include many accessories, a larger battery is necessary to power everything. This is where we see our new product help maximize production efficiency.” The AT-E2CMKII will be available worldwide in late October 2015. UK pricing has not yet been finalised, but we can expect to be priced accordingly in line with the rest of the V-mount adapter plates that IDX manufactures. We'll keep you in the loop as we learn more. We anticipate the Canon C300 Mark II to be a very popular camera and available in limited supply initially, hence why we strongly urge you to place your pre-order via our website with only £100 fully refundable deposit to secure your place in the queue and avoid disappointment and long wait times.