
  1. Sound Devices MixPre Series Firmware v1.11

    Sound Devices recently released MixPre Series Firmware v1.11 update for the new MixPre-3 and MixPre-6. The firmware update will provide new playback functionality as well as other system enhancements to previously released versions.

  2. ARRI (SUP) 5.0 for ARRI ALEXA Mini Cameras

    ARRI announce the release ALEXA Mini Software Update Package (SUP) 5.0 for ARRI ALEXA Mini Cameras. The update for all ALEXA camera models includes features such as multicam improvements, ARRI Look Library as well as known issue fixes from previous SUP versions.

  3. Blackmagic Camera Setup 4.4

    Newly released Blackmagic Camera Setup 4.4 software package allows users to update Blackmagic Camera to the latest features, enhancements and also bug fixes.

  4. Blackmagic Release DaVinci Resolve 14 Beta Version 4

    Blackmagic Design release DaVinci Resolve 14 Beta 4. The beta firmware update will add support for audio cross fades, 32-bit float WAV files, resizable bin windows, new live previews in the Media and Edit page viewers...

  5. Sony announce Next-Generation CineAlta 36x24mm

    Sony announce plans for new Next-Generation CineAlta 36x24mm full-frame camera at Cine Gear Expo 2017. According to Sony, the new addition to the CineAlta family is being developed through careful research and close collaboration with creative professionals.