
  1. ATOMOS ProRes RAW support for FR7 & X-H2


    ATOMOS’ latest chip technology, the future-proof AtomIC3, gives the SHOGUN CONNECT and NINJA V+ the internal power to support the latest high resolution and high frame rate workflows, making them the perfect companion products for ProRes RAW workflows with these latest camera releases.

  2. Blackmagic URSA Camera Update, RED V-Raptor XL, Tilta Pocket Follow Focus

    news of the week ep302

    This week we are featuring the latest firmware release for the Blackmagic URSA Broadcast camera, RED's new flagship camera - the V-Raptor XL and Tilita's new Pocket Follow Focus.

  3. The Chrosziel Meta Mount


    Chrosziel just released The Chrosziel Meta Mount, a Sony E camera to PL lens “hot mount” adapter with metadata communication. Each mount has the required pin contacts necessary to transmit lens metadata through to the camera and conversely the contacts provide lens control through a 12-pin Hirose out connection to an ENG lens.

  4. Sony FX9 V4.0 Firmware

    Sony FX9 Firmware v4

    Sony just announced the latest upcoming version of firmware for their FX9 camera, the update looks to focus in on feedback from content creators and improve usability and cloud connectivity features.

  5. Sony VENICE 2 8K Extension System & V2.00 Firmware

    Sony VENICE 2 IBC2022

    Sony just announced a new Extension System that works with the 8.6k VENICE 2 along with a firmware update for the camera.